Tis’ the season to be …

The festive season can be a tricky time to navigate! Some people thrive on stress to get things done however, when it starts to overwhelm and distress you it can have a negative effect on your health, wellbeing, relationships, work and general quality of life. Stress is a natural human response to a situation which you think you cannot manage. Basically, it's when we experience an imbalance between the demands being made on us and our resources to cope with those demands. Our attitude, personality and approach to life will surely influence how we respond to stress. Here are 10 top tips to self-soothe and help you navigate your way to a more calm and relaxed space particularly as we move into the holiday season:

  • Regular exercise - bring movement and awareness into your body! According to Healthline, exercise reduces the stress hormone cortisol and helps your body release endorphins which are chemicals that improve your mood and are natural painkillers!

  • Socialise and connect with others – catch up with a friend or even wander down to the park and watch the local cricket team play – you don’t have to talk to feel engaged and part of a community!

  • Make healthy food choices - lots of fruit & vege and try to avoid fatty, sugary foods

  • Take time out - RELAX! Have your morning cuppa under the tree in your backyard, get your hands dirty in your garden, or read that book ‘you’ve never had time for’!

  • Avoid drinking, smoking or other drugs to relax - self-medicating is only a temporary relief which can exacerbate your issues even further!

  • Soothe your nervous system - sleep, yoga, meditate, listen to music or read before going to bed

  • Enjoy cultural, spiritual and social activities - embrace DIFFERENCE! Be open to new perspectives and opportunities!

  • Look for humour! A good belly laugh is medicinal as it improves your mood and immunity! (Healthline)

  • Know your limits - set REALISTIC & ACHIEVABLE expectations for yourself.

  • Setting healthy boundaries – learn to say no! Remember just because you are available doesn’t mean you have to commit yourself. Here are some suggestions from PsychCentral to master the art of saying no:

Gracious: I truly appreciate your asking, but my time is already committed.

Word of Mouth Is the Best Recommendation: I won’t be able to, but let me recommend someone to you who would be able to help you.

Time To Assess: Let me think about it and I will get back to you

Know Thyself: No. But here is what I can do…. (Then limit the commitment to what works for you)

When we consistently give outwardly and do not receive from others, we may start to feel a sense of emptiness, stress and even isolation from those around us. Receiving is the yin in the exchange of giving and receiving, and we all need both to feel balanced and grounded. Opening yourself to receive and accepting whatever presents in the present moment will bring more richness to your world. May you pause over the festive season and savour in all you receive, and to consider that the person giving will be delighting in the experience of giving to you!

Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year and for those of you who do not celebrate, may you have a peaceful and joyful holiday season.




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