
Mindfulness is about being fully awake in our lives. It is about perceiving the exquisite vividness of each moment...

– Jon Kabat-Zinn

This state of being alive and whole in the present moment is always available, but it tends to elude us especially during stressful and difficult times.

In our current fast-paced world, stillness can be a rare experience. Being 'busy' has become the new social currency where people actually marvel at those who are busy - 'keeping busy' carries status! Our compulsion to being busy is having concerning consequences on our well-being and stress may manifest physically, mentally and/or emotionally. Most of the time we live our lives in this mode which is called 'automatic pilot'  where the awareness of ourselves and our environment is scattered, and we may be preoccupied, distant or quick to react. In this state, we have little control over our emotions, and as a result we may find it difficult to concentrate, our relationships may suffer, and our stress response may intensify. 

Mindfulness is the most scientifically validated form of meditation in the world today. In it's simplest and most universal form, mindfulness is the cultivation of self-awareness through the practice of observation. World of Humans offers a 6-week mindfulness and meditation program that is strongly informed by the founder of the Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction course, Dr Jon Kabat-Zinn. The growing body of evidence behind mindfulness interventions consistently demonstrates significant physical and mental health benefits -

  • Improved sense of wellbeing and happiness

  • Changes in both the structure and function of the brain - neuroplasticity

  • Increased ability to manage stress

  • Reduction in symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress

  • Enrich meaningful relationships

  • Enhanced quality of sleep

  • Increased ability to regulate emotions

Cost: $250 (includes manual/workbook and light refreshments)


"The skills taught are vital to a healthy, more fulfilling life"

– Marianne

"Your gentleness, knowledge, care and, above all, respect for the participants has been very much appreciated"

– Marianne

"It has made me aware of my thoughts. Instead of reacting in situations, I am a lot calmer and can make decisions without being overly emotional"

– Pano

"Since taking this program I have learned techniques that really will help in managing stress, appreciating and being kinder to myself, and getting the most out of life"

– Marg